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PM Series PM Series PM Series
RS-485 Modbus communication, PM Series heat controllers, SSR Solid state Relay, SCR (Tristor Power Units) can be used for all kinds of engine rides, which are extremely user-friendly with very small size and rail mounting capabilities. With autotuning and selftuning, heat control can be done very precisely.
P10 Series P10 Series P10 Series
P10 PID Heat Controllers are controllers that can provide very precise heat controls controlled from the dijtal display, with 4 available keys (mode/esc, up, down and select) and parameter settings entered.
CT Series Infrared Thermometer CT Series Infrared Thermometer CT Series Infrared Thermometer
The CT Series infrared thermometer has a very low response time of 6 ms. Pyrometers designed for precise results in fast production lines have a wide measuring range. High strength
has become the indispensable measuring sensor of industrial heating systems.
CS Series Infrared Thermometer CS Series Infrared Thermometer CS Series Infrared Thermometer
The CS Series Infrared thermometer is a great product for taking temperature measurements, especially in small and narrow spaces. It can take temperature measurement between -40-1030 °C with measuring head manufactured for harsh ambient conditions and can be used unfrigerant to 80 °C.

The strength properties of CS Infrared Thermometers are quite high.
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